The foundational litanies of our path consists of: 1) Wadzifah Hashimiyyah, 2) Wiridul ‘Aam and 3) Selawat Kanzul Haqa’iq, 4) Hizbul Bahr and 5) Selawat Mashishiyyah. These litanies are to be practiced on a regular basis at selected times of the day as guided by our murabbi.
Click on the pictures below for more information.
Wadzifah Hashimiyyah - Shaykhuna Sidi Moulay Hashim al-Belghiti ق
The Wadzifah Hashimiyyah of Shaykhuna Sidi Moulay Hashim al-Belghiti ق is to be read morning and evenings.
Wiridul ‘Aam (The General Litany) - Imam Abul Hassan Shadhili ق
The Wiridul ‘Aam (General Litany) of Imam Abul Hassan ash-Shadhili ق is as follows:
1) 100 Istighfar, 2) 100 Selawat, 3) 100 Tahlil
It is practiced daily by all disciples of the Shadhili tariqah in the mornings (after Fajr) and evenings (after Maghirb). It is practiced either in congregation and or individually. Different branches of the Shadhili path have different variations of the wiridul aam. However, all of the variations are just branches from the above formula: 100 Istighfar, 100 Selawat and 100 Tahlil.
Selawat Mashishiyyah - Sidi Abdussalam ibn Mashish ق
Sidi Abdussalam ibn Mashish (1140-1227 CE) is one of the great masters of the spiritual path of sufism, and was the spiritual guide of Imam Abul Hasan ash-Shadhili ق. Selawat Mashishiyyah which was written by Sidi Abdussalam ibn Mashish ق is read by initiates of the Shadhili tariqah after isya, silently and audibly, in private and public, individually and in congregation.
Hizbul Bahr - Imam Abu Hassan ash-Shadhili ق
Invoke the Litany of the Sea and it will show you wonders, Give you ease in your affairs, and lend you strength. You will find the sea obedient and the wind submissive; You will find gentleness quickly, and your time will be joyful. - Sidi Ahmad Zarruq ash-Shadhili