Maulana Abdul Aleem Siddique al-Qadiri ق in Singapore (D.1954)


Exactly 66 years ago, on the 22nd of August 1954 CE (22 Dhulhijjah 1373), at the age of 63, after a visit to our Beloved Prophet ﷺ, he left this world for the hereafter. Buried in Madina al-Munawara, his body rests peacefully at the Jannatul Baqqi near the tomb of Sayyidatina A’ishah (ra).

He is Maulana Abdul Aleem Siddique ق of the Qadiri tariqah, a disciple of Shaykh Ahamd Reza Khan Barelvi ق. A famous spiritual guide in Islam, thousands in Asia, Africa, Europe and America embraced Islam at his hands. Millions of Muslims received religious and worldly blessings through his dynamic and refulgent personality. Thosands of orphanages for the helpless youths, infirmaries for the destitute, hospitals for the suffering, spiritual assemblies for spiritual discipline, libraries for the preservation of the Islamic traditions and intellectual heritage, organisation of Islamic scholars and periodicals sprang in the wake of his missionary labours.


Maulana Abdul Aleem Siddique al-Qadiri ق in Singapore

Singapore was blessed with his visit in 1930 CE and even till today we live in his legacy as his good work continues to benefit the community. He established the All-Malaya Muslim Missionary Society, now known as Jamiyah and was also the founder of the Inter-Religious Organization (IRO) Singapore.

“If it was ever necessary to create harmony among leaders and followers of different religions, it is more necessary and more urgent today when the world is living in fear of Third World War. With this very idea the Inter-Religious Organisation was founded”

- His Eminence Maulana Abdul Aleem Siddique, Founder of IRO, 1949


Masjid Abdul Aleem Siddique, Singapore was built in recognition of Moulana Muhammad Abdul Aleem Siddique who tirelessly throughout his life travelled around the world spreading the message of Islam in the best of manners. It is nestled in Telok Kurau neighbourhood known for its beautiful engravings of the beautiful names of Allah and our Beloved Prophet ﷺ.


Below is an extract from a sermon delivered on the occasion of Eid ul Fitr by His Late Eminence Maulana Muhammad Abdul Aleem Siddique al-Qadiri ق at the Jama Masjid, Port of Spain, Trinidad, in 1950 CE

My Friends, here let me give you an important warning. Beware! You have earned a spiritual treasure during Ramadhan. Take care! Just as thieves of material riches are always planning to rob people, similarly the baser self and the devil are the thieves who are always on the look-out for stealing the spiritual assets. Today is the day of Eid. You are in the midst of well-earned rejoicing. The doors of Allah’s unbounded Mercy are wide open. The breeze of Divine Forgiveness is blowing. But beware of Satan’s mischief.

The wealth which Allah has given you is not to be spent on pleasure – seeking and luxuries. Rather, it is a trust from Allah, and you are its trustee. If you are a true Believer, and if you have sold your life and wealth to Allah, then remember, you are not entitled to consider yourself the actual owner of your wealth. You can spend on yourself and your dependents only to the extent and in the way of that Allah has permitted. The rest you have to spend in the way of Allah on Allah’s creatures

O you who live I palatial buildings and luxurious homes, who rest on soft beds and fashionable couches, who move in costly motor cars!!! Think for a while of those unfortunate brothers and sisters also, who are unable to get either a square meal or a full coverage for the body.

O you who dress in fashionable clothes and who decorate the dead earth of your houses with all sorts of vanities! Remember? Your dress and your luxuries will not bring you honour while the rising generations of your community are totally deprived of that education which alone can make them honourable in this world as well as in the Hereafter. You will be regarded truly honourable only when your community as a whole will be honourable, and it will be honourable only when it posses Faith, Knowledge, and Religious action.

I have delivered my message and given the danger signals. There are some unwise and unthinking people who are entangling Muslims in petty issues and want to take full advantage of the situation for thrusting their unwarranted innovations which transform Halaal into Haraam and Haraam into Halaal. They are out to establish a new church in the name of Islam. They seem to feel that they can mislead the ignorant and simple minded Muslims. A division among Muslims has already been created.

I wish those who take pride in dividing the ranks of Islam on the basis of petty issues, could stop to think that such an act means practically greater enmity to Islam than all the external attacks put together. They never consider that the flood of irreligion and atheism is advancing in the world with all its fury. Immorality is blowing with its full force and burning the moral life of humanity. Instances of apostasy from Islam are no more unknown to us. Moral vices are increasing at rapid paces. Ignorance of the beauties of Islam is becoming more and more widespread every day. The very foundations of religious outlook are under fire over the world.

Where are you, my dear friends! And what are you thinking? When will you wake up? For God’s sake realize the gravity of the situation! Take care of your religion, because on this alone depends your honour, prestige and progress as a community. May Allah give you eyes to see and wisdom to think. Hold fast to the cable of Faith. Stick firmly to the creed of the Ahle Sunnah wal Jammah which has been followed by the overwhelming majority of Muslims from the time of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) down to the present day. Stand by this creed, live it and die upon it. I pray for you. May Allah accept my prayer. Ameen.


Habib Abbas Assegaf ق of Singapore (D.2018)