“Which is more important? The actions of the heart or the actions of the body?"


Shaykh ‘Abdul Qādir ‘Īsā ash-Shādhilī ق mentioned:

With the Lawmaker (Allāh), the actions of the heart are more important than the actions of the body – although both are important. The inner-self is the basis and source for what appears on the outer-self. When it is corrupted, all of the outward actions are corrupted as well.

It is he ﷺ  who said: “Indeed, there is a part of the body that, if sound, the whole body is sound, and, if corrupt, the whole body is corrupt: indeed it is the heart.” He ﷺ also taught his Companions that when Allāh looks at His servants, He is only looking at their hearts. He said: “Indeed, Allāh does not look at your bodies or outward forms; rather, He looks at your hearts.”

On the day when neither wealth nor children shall avail anyone, save he who comes to Allāh with a purified heart [al-Shu’arā’: 88-89]

[Adapted from Realities of Sufism by Shaykh ‘Abdul Qādir ‘Īsā ash-Shādhilī ]


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