The Shadhili Tariqah
in Singapore
The Shadhili Tariqah
In Singapore, the Shadhili tariqah is active with murshids [guides] and murids [aspirants] in the hundreds having gatherings weekly under different branches.
The Shadhilii tariqah is a Sufi order founded by Imam Abul Hassan ash-Shadhili ق. The entire Shadhili path starts and ends with shukr [gratitude]. Masters and disciples of this path are known as Shadhilis.
The Shadhilis are known for to be scholastic in nature with their strict adherence to the Sacred Law grounded upon the Quran and established Sunnah of our Beloved Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. Through the Shadhili path, adherents witness Allah through beautiful ecstatic experiences like no other.
Every Tariqah is named after its spiritual masters and this tariqah derives its name from Sidi Moulay Hashim al-Belghiti ق who drank straight from the palms of Sidi Muhammad ibn al-Habib ق, who drank from the fountains of Imam al-’Arabi al-Darqawi ق, whose source flow from the springs of Imam Abul Hassan ash-Shadhili ق.
Imam Abul Hassan al-Hasani al-Husayni ash-Shadhili ق [1196 CE – 1258 CE] is the founder of the Shadhili tariqah which has been established globally amongst the scholars, intellectuals, saints and laymen. His entire path starts and end with gratitude.
Imam al-’Arabi al-Darqawi ق [1760 CE – 1823 CE ] revived the Shadhili tariqah and generally all of the branches of the Shadhili tariqah go through him. He made the path to Allah accessible to the masses.
Sidi Muhammad ibn al-Habib al-Hasani ق (1876 - 1927 CE) who left behind the Diwan which is famous among the Sufis for its balance between poems expressing direct spiritual experience and instructions on travelling the path.
Sidi Moulay Hashim al-Belghiti al-Hasani ق (D 2021 CE) took the tariqah directly from Sidi Muhammad ibn al-Habib ق. HE managed the affairs of the Habibiyyah zawiyah in Meknes. He compiled the Wadzifah Hashimiyyah made easy for aspirants of Allah.
Sidi Moulay Abdel Kabir al-Belghiti al-Hasanī ق is the current Shaykh of the Tariqah Shadhili-Darqawi-Habibi-Hashimi. He resides in Fez, the city of saints. He has Sidi Zulkifli bin Md Isa as a representative to guide spiritual aspirants in Singapore.
The Silsila
(Spiritual chain)
The Shadhili-Darqawi-Habibi-Hashimi tariqah is a branch of the Shadhili tariqah that is established from the principles of Qur’an and sunnah, for which its unbroken chain of transmission is traced back to our Beloved Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.